Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note DN.1.30

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Multi-channel ECG monitoring & recording Under 17 years (Item 11730)

Indications interpretation

Heritable arrhythmias include those defined in the CSANZ guidelines for the diagnosis and management of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, familial long QT syndrome and genetic investigation of young sudden unexplained death and resuscitated out of hospital cardiac arrest.


Discussions of the results, findings or interpretation of a study are reasonably expected to be part of a formal report. Discussion of these findings with a patient does not constitute a consult. Similarly, discussion(s) during the course of a study or to determine the safety or appropriateness of the study is part of the service and should not be claimed as a consult.

Paediatric Investigation and Consultation

For investigations performed by a specialist paediatric cardiologist, co-claiming of a consultation with the investigation is permitted even when a consultation was not specifically requested when:

  • the paediatric patient was referred for an investigation; and
  • the paediatric patient was not known to the provider; and
  • the paediatric patient was not under the care of another paediatric cardiologist; and
  • the findings on the investigation appropriately warranted a consultation.


Related Items: 11730

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11730 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Multi channel electrocardiogram monitoring and recording during exercise (motorised treadmill or cycle ergometer capable of quantifying external workload in watts), if:

(a) the patient is less than 17 years; and

(b) the patient:

(i) has symptoms consistent with cardiac ischemia; or

(ii) has other cardiac disease which may be exacerbated by exercise; or

(iii) has a first degree relative with suspected heritable arrhythmia; and

(c) the monitoring and recording:

(i) is not less than 20 minutes in duration; and

(ii) includes resting electrocardiogram; and

(d) a written report is produced by a medical practitioner that includes interpretation of the monitoring and recording data, commenting on the significance of the data, and the relationship of the data to clinical decision making for the patient in the clinical context; and

(e) the service is not a service:

(i) provided on the same occasion as a service to which item 11704, 11705, 11707 or 11714 applies; or

(ii) performed within 24 months of a service to which item 55141, 55143, 55145, 55146, 61324, 61329, 61345, 61349, 61357, 61394, 61398, 61406, 61410 or 61414 applies

 Applicable only once in any 24 month period


Fee: $173.40 Benefit: 75% = $130.05 85% = $147.40

(See para DN.1.30, DR.1.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change