View Associated Notes
13851 - Additional Information
Ventricular assist device, management of, for a patient admitted to an intensive care unit for implantation of the device or for complications arising from implantation or management of the device - first day
Fee: $562.35 Benefit: 75% = $421.80 85% = $478.00
(See para TN.1.10 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Associated Notes
Procedures Associated with Intensive Care - (Items 13815, 13818, 13832, 13834, 13835, 13837, 13838, 13840, 13842, 13848, 13851, 13854 and 13857)
TN.1.10 Procedures Associated with Intensive Care - (Items 13815, 13818, 13832, 13834, 13835, 13837, 13838, 13840, 13842, 13848, 13851, 13854 and 13857)
Item 13815 covers the insertion of a central vein catheter, including under ultrasound guidance where clinically appropriate. No separate ultrasound item is payable with item 13815.
Item 13818 covers the insertion of a right heart balloon flotation catheter. Benefits are payable under this item only once per day except where a second discrete operation is performed on that day.
Items 13832, 13834, 13835, 13837, 13838 and 13840
These items cover extracorporeal life support services in an ICU. Benefits are payable only once per calendar day for a patient, irrespective of the number of medical practitioners involved.
Items 13832 and 13840 include the use of ultrasound guidance where clinically appropriate. No separate ultrasound item is payable with these items.
Item 13839
Provides for collection of blood for diagnostic purposes by arterial puncture.
Medicare benefits are not payable for sampling by arterial puncture under item 13839 in addition to item 13870 and 13873 on the same day.
Item 13842
This item provides for intra-arterial cannulation (including ultrasound guidance) for either or both intra-arterial pressure monitoring or blood sampling.
If a service covered by item 13842 is provided outside of an ICU, in association with, for example, an anaesthetic, benefits are payable under item 13842 in addition to item 13870 and 13873 when performed on the same day.
Where this occurs, accounts should be endorsed "performed outside of an Intensive Care Unit" against item 13842.
Item 13848
Item 13848 covers management of counterpulsation by intraaortic balloon on each day and includes initial and subsequent consultations and monitoring of parameters. Insertion of the intraaortic balloon is covered under item 38609.
Items 13851 and 13854
Items 13851 and 13854 cover the management of ventricular assist devices in an ICU. Benefits are payable only once per calendar day per patient, irrespective of the number of medical practitioners involved.
Item 13851 covers management of ventricular assist devices on the first day where the ICU admission relates to the device implantation or complication. Management on each day subsequent to the first is covered under item 13854.
Item 13857
This item covers the establishment of airway access and initiation of ventilation on a patient outside intensive care for the purpose of subsequent ventilatory support in intensive care. Benefits are not payable under item 13857 where airway access and ventilation is initiated in the context of an anaesthetic for surgery even if it is likely that following surgery the patient will be ventilated in an ICU. In such cases the appropriate anaesthetic item/s should be utilised.
Related Items: 11600 13815 13818 13832 13834 13835 13837 13838 13840 13842 13848 13851 13854 13857 13870 13876
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change