Medicare Benefits Schedule - Item 16520

Search Results for Item 16520

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16520 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

T4 - Obstetrics

Caesarean section and post‑operative care for 7 days, if the patient’s care has been transferred by another medical practitioner for management of the confinement and the attending medical practitioner has not provided any of the antenatal care


Fee: $718.65 Benefit: 75% = $539.00 85% = $619.95

(See para TN.4.6, TN.4.10 of explanatory notes to this Category)

Extended Medicare Safety Net Cap: $392.10

Associated Notes



Caesarean Section - (Item 16520)

Benefits under this item are attracted only where the patient has been specifically referred to another medical practitioner for the management of the birth by Caesarean section and the practitioner carrying out the procedure has not rendered any antenatal care. Caesarean sections performed in any other circumstances attract benefits under Item 16519.


Related Items: 16519 16520



Post-Partum Care - (Items 16515 to 16520 and 16564 to 16573)

The Schedule fees and benefits payable for Items 16519 and 16520 cover all postnatal attendances on the mother and the baby, except in the following circumstances:‑

(i)               where the medical services rendered are outside those covered by a consultation, e.g., blood transfusion;

(ii)              where the condition of the mother and/or baby is such as to require the services of another practitioner (e.g., paediatrician, gynaecologist, etc);

(iii)             where the patient is transferred, at arms length, to another medical practitioner for routine post-partum, care (eg mother and/or baby returning from a larger centre to a country town or transferring between hospitals following confinement).  In such cases routine postnatal attendances attract benefits on an attendance basis. The transfer of a patient within a group practice would not qualify for benefits under this arrangement except in the case of Items 16515 and 16518. These items cover those occasions when a patient is handed over while in labour from the practitioner who under normal circumstances would have delivered the baby, but because of compelling circumstances decides to transfer the patient to another practitioner for the birth;

(iv)             where during the postnatal period a condition occurs which requires treatment outside the scope of normal postnatal care;

(v)              in the management of premature babies (i.e. babies born prior to the end of the 37th week of pregnancy or where the birth weight of the baby is less than 2500 grams) during the period that close supervision is necessary. 

Normal postnatal care by a medical practitioner would include:-

(i)               uncomplicated care and check of

-     lochia

-     fundus

-     perineum and vulva/episiotomy site

-     temperature

-     bladder/urination

-     bowels

(ii)              advice and support for establishment of breast feeding

(iii)             psychological assessment and support

(iv)             Rhesus status

(v)              Rubella status and immunisation

(vi)             contraception advice/management 

Examinations of apparently normal newborn infants by consultant or specialist paediatricians do not attract benefits 

Items 16564 to 16573 relate to postnatal complications and should not be itemised in respect of a normal birth. To qualify for benefits under these items, the patient is required to be transferred to theatre, or be administered general anaesthesia or epidural injection for the performance of the procedure. Utilisation of the items will be closely monitored to ensure appropriate usage.


Related Items: 16515 16518 16519 16520 16564 16567 16570 16571 16573


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change