View Associated Notes
30176 - Additional Information
Radical abdominoplasty, with excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue, repair of musculoaponeurotic layer and transposition of umbilicus, not being a service associated with a service to which item 30166, 30169, 30175, 30177, 30179, 45530, 45531, 45564, 45565, 45567, 46060, 46062, 46064, 46066, 46068, 46070 or 46072 applies, if the patient has previously had a massive intra-abdominal or pelvic tumour surgically removed (H)
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $1,122.85 Benefit: 75% = $842.15
(See para TN.8.97 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Associated Notes
Breast Reconstruction - Large Muscle or Myocutaneous Flap - (Items 45530 and 45531)
When a prosthesis or prostheses are inserted in conjunction with this operation, benefit would be attracted under Item 45527 or 45529. Benefits would also be payable for nipple reconstruction (Item 45545) when performed.
When claiming item 45530 for a pedicled rectus abdominis flap; item 45571 should be claimed for closure of the abdomen and reconstruction of the umbilicus, including repair of the musculoaponeurotic layer of abdomen. When claiming item 45530 for a latissimus dorsi flap, no item for the closure of the musculoaponeurotic layer should be claimed as it is expected that repair will be by direct suture.
Lipectomy items 30166, 30169, 30177 and 30179 and radical abdominoplasty items 30175 and 30176 should not be claimed in association with post-mastectomy breast reconstruction items 45530 and 45531.
Related Items: 30166 30169 30175 30176 30177 30179 45527 45529 45530 45531 45571
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change