Medicare Benefits Schedule - Item 93108

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93108 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

M18 - Allied health telehealth and phone services
21 - Eating disorder dietetics phone services

Dietetics health service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible dietitian:

(a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is of at least 20 minutes in duration.



Fee: $70.95 Benefit: 85% = $60.35

(See para MN.16.2, MN.16.4 of explanatory notes to this Category)

Extended Medicare Safety Net Cap: $212.85

Associated Notes



Eating Disorders Dietetic Treatment Services

Eating Disorders Dietetic Treatment Services (82350, 93074 and 93108)

This note provides information on the Category 8 – Miscellaneous Services: Group M16 – Subgroup 1 (82350, 93074 and 93108) and should be read in conjunction with MN.16.1 Eating Disorders General Explanatory Notes.

Eating Disorder Dietetic Treatment Services Overview

Provision of eating disorder dietetic services by a suitably trained Dietitian (82350, 93074 and 93108) are for patients with anorexia nervosa and other patients with complex presentations of diagnosed eating disorders who meet the eligibility requirements and would benefit from a structured approach to the management of their treatment needs in the community setting.

A patient with an EDP plan can access up to 20 dietetic services under items 10954, 82350, 93074 and 93108 in a 12-month period. For any particular patient, an eating disorder treatment and management plan expires at the end of a 12-month period following provision of that service. After that period, a patient will require a new EDP to continue accessing eating disorders dietetic services.

Provider Eligibility

In order to provide eating disorder dietetic services, Dietitians must be an 'Accredited Practising Dietitian' as recognised by the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA). 

Checking patient eligibility for services

Note: The 12 month period commences from the date of the EDP.

Patients seeking rebates for eating disorders dietetic services must have had an Eating Disorder Treatment Plan (EDP) 90250-90257, 92146-92153, 90260 or 90261 in the previous 12 months. The plan must require that the patient needs dietetic services for treatment of their eating disorder, and the patient must be provided with a referral for access to the dietetic health services.

If the EDP service has not yet been claimed, the Services Australia will not be aware of the patient's eligibility. In this case the allied health professional should, with the patient's permission, contact the practitioner who developed the plan to ensure the relevant service has been provided to the patient.


If there is any doubt about whether a patient has had a claim for an eating disorder service, health professionals can access the Health Professionals Online System (HPOS). HPOS is a fast and secure way for health professionals and administrators to check if a patient is eligible for a Medicare benefit for a specific item on the date of the proposed service. However, this system will only return advice that the service/item is payable or not payable.

Patients can also access their own claiming history with a My Health Record or by establishing a Medicare online account through myGov or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

Alternatively, health professionals can call the Services Australia on 132 150 to check this information, while patients can seek clarification by calling 132 011.

Additional Claiming Information (general conditions and limitations)

Reporting Back

After each course of treatment, the relevant dietitian is required to provide the referring medical practitioner with a written report on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations for future management of the patient’s condition. This reporting is required after the first service, as clinically required following subsequent services and after the final service.

This reporting will inform the managing practitioner’s reviews of the EDP and enable the practitioner to assess the patient’s progress and response to treatment.

Written reports should include, at a minimum:

  • any investigations, tests, and/or assessments carried out on the patient;
  • any treatment provided; and
  • future management of the patient's condition or problem.

The report to the Practitioner must be kept for 2 years from the date of service.

Where appropriate, it is expected that the report will also be provided to the patients and/or the patient’s family/carer (with the patient’s agreement).

Related Items: 82350 93074 93108



Eating Disorders Services Telehealth

Eating Disorders Services Telehealth – (items 82359, 82367, 82375, 82383; 93075, 93076, 93079, 93084, 93087, 93092, 93095, 93100, 93103; 93108, 93110, 93113, 93118, 93121, 93126, 93129, 93134 and 93137)

This note provides telehealth supporting information for eating disorders items provided via telehealth by a medical practitioner in general practice and should be read in conjunction with Eating Disorders General Explanatory Notes.

Record Keeping

Participating telehealth practitioners must keep contemporaneous notes of the consultation including documenting that the service was performed by video conference, the date, time and the people who participated.

Only clinical details recorded at the time of the attendance count towards the time of the consultation. It does not include information added at a later time, such as reports of investigations.

Aftercare Rule

Video consultations are subject to the same aftercare rules as allied health practitioners providing face-to-face consultations.

Multiple Attendances on the Same Day

In some situations a patient may receive a consultation via video conference and a face-to-face consultation by the same or different clinical psychologist on the same day.

Medicare benefits may be paid for more than one video consultation on a patient on the same day by the same clinical psychologist, provided the second (and any following) video consultations are not a continuation of the initial or earlier video consultations. Clinical psychologists will need to provide the times of each consultation on the patient’s account or bulk-billing voucher.


The referral procedure for a video consultation is the same as for conventional face-to-face consultations.


Related Items: 82359 82367 82375 82383 93079 93084 93087 93092 93095 93103 93108 93110 93113 93118 93121 93126 93129 93134 93137


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change