View Associated Notes
14100 - Additional Information
Laser photocoagulation using laser radiation in the treatment of vascular abnormalities of the head or neck, including any associated consultation, if:
(a) the abnormality is visible from 3 metres; and
(b) photographic evidence demonstrating the need for this service is documented in the patient notes;
to a maximum of 4 sessions (including any sessions to which this item or any of items 14106 to 14118 apply) in any 12 month period
Fee: $173.70 Benefit: 75% = $130.30 85% = $147.65
(See para TN.1.15 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Associated Notes
Laser Photocoagulation - (Items 14100 to 14124)
All laser equipment used for services under items 14100-14124 must be listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.
The Australasian College of Dermatologists has advised that the following ranges (applicable to an average 4 year old child and an adult) should be used as a reference to the treatment areas specified in Items 14106 - 14124:
Entire forehead | 50 -75 cm2 |
Cheek | 55 - 85 cm2 |
Nose | 10 -25 cm2 |
Chin | 10 - 30 cm2 |
Unilateral midline anterior - posterior neck | 60 - 220 cm2 |
Dorsum of hand | 25 - 80 cm2 |
Forearm | 100 - 250 cm2 |
Upper arm | 105 - 320 cm2 |
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change