Medicare Benefits Schedule - Item 22014

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22014 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

T10 - Relative Value Guide For Anaesthesia - Medicare Benefits Are Only Payable For Anaesthesia Performed In Association With An Eligible Service
19 - Therapeutic And Diagnostic Services

Central venous, pulmonary arterial, systemic arterial or cardiac intracavity blood pressure monitoring by indwelling catheter—once per day for each type of pressure for a patient:
(a) when performed in association with the management of anaesthesia for the patient; and
(b) relating to another discrete operation on the same day for the patient; and
(c) other than a service to which item 13876 applies
(d) who is categorised as having a high risk of complications or develops during the current procedure either complications or a high risk of complications

(3 basic units)

Fee: $67.65 Benefit: 75% = $50.75 85% = $57.55

(See para TN.10.8 of explanatory notes to this Category)

Associated Notes



Additional Services Performed in Connection with Anaesthesia - Subgroup 19

Included in the RVG format are a number of additional or complementary services which may be provided in connection with anaesthesia such as blood pressure monitoring (item 22012) and intra-arterial cannulation (item 22025). 

These items (with the exception of peri-operative nerve blocks (22031-22042)) and perfusion services (22055-22075) have also been retained in the MBS in the non-RVG format, for use by practitioners who provide these services other than in association with anaesthesia. 

Item 22002

The amendment to item 22002 is for the transfusion of blood and/or for intraoperative transfusion of red cells collected by cell saver in association with administration of anaesthesia.

Items 22012 and 22014

Benefits are payable under items 22012 and 22014 only once for each type of pressure, up to a maximum of 4 pressures per patient per calendar day, and irrespective of the number of practitioners involved in monitoring the pressures.

Items 22012, 22014 and 22025

A patient who is categorised as having a high risk  of complications is one where clinical indications allow for the following items to be claimed (in conjunction with items 22012, 22014 and 22025) with item 25000, item 25005 or item 25010 modifiers, and/or item 25013, and/or item 25014, and/or items 25020, 25025 and/or when the basic surgical item value is 10 or more units, and/or is conjunction with items in group T10 Subgroup 13 (Shoulder and Axilla), or with items 23170 – 24136 (for procedures of greater than four hours duration) noting this is not an exhaustive list.

Item 22042

This item can be co-claimed with item 20142 (anaesthesia for lens surgery), when anaesthesia or sedation was also provided by the same anaesthetist.

Item 22042 cannot be co-claimed with item 20142, 20144, 20145 and 20147 when a general anaesthetic is the primary anaesthetic approach.

Related Items: 22002 22012 22014 22015 22020 22025 22042 22052 22053 22054


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change