View Associated Notes
735 - Additional Information
Attendance by a general practitioner, as a member of a multidisciplinary case conference team, to organise and coordinate:
(a) a community case conference; or
(b) a multidisciplinary case conference in a residential aged care facility; or
(c) a multidisciplinary discharge case conference;
if the conference lasts for at least 15 minutes, but for less than 20 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which items 721 to 732 apply)
Fee: $80.55 Benefit: 75% = $60.45 100% = $80.55
(See para AN.0.49 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Associated Notes
Multidisciplinary Case Conferences by General Practitioners - (Items 735 to 758)
Items 735 to 758 provide rebates for general practitioners to organise and coordinate, or participate in, multidisciplinary case conferences for patients in the community or patients being discharged into the community from hospital or people living in residential aged care facilities.
To organise and coordinate case conference items 735, 739 and 743, the provider must:
(a) explain to the patient the nature of a multidisciplinary case conference, and ask the patient for their agreement to the conference taking place; and
(b) record the patient's agreement to the conference; and
(c) record the day on which the conference was held, and the times at which the conference started and ended; and
(d) record the names of the participants; and
(e) offer the patient and the patient's carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees) a summary of the conference and provide this summary to other team members; and
(f) discuss the outcomes of the conference with the patient and the patient's carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees); and
(g) record all matters discussed and identified by the case conferencing team and put a copy of that record in the patient's medical records.
To participate in multidisciplinary case conference items 747, 750 and 758, the provider must:
(a) explain to the patient the nature of a multidisciplinary case conference, and ask the patient whether they agree to the general practitioner's participation in the conference; and
(b) record the patient's agreement to the general practitioner's participation; and
(c) record the day on which the conference was held, and the times at which the conference started and ended; and
(d) record the names of the participants; and
(e) record all matters discussed and identified by the case conferencing team and put a copy of that record in the patient's medical records.
Usual general practitioner
Items 735-758 should generally be undertaken by the patient's usual general practitioner. This is a general practitioner, or a general practitioner working in the medical practice, that has provided the majority of services to the patient over the previous 12 months and/or will be providing the majority of services to the patient over the coming 12 months.
Multidisciplinary case conference team members
Examples of persons who, for the purposes of care planning and case conferencing may be included in a multidisciplinary care team are allied health professionals such as, but not limited to: Aboriginal health care workers; asthma educators; audiologists; dental therapists; dentists; diabetes educators; dietitians; mental health workers; occupational therapists; optometrists; orthoptists; orthotists or prosthetists; pharmacists; physiotherapists; podiatrists; psychologists; registered nurses; social workers; speech pathologists.
A team may also include home and community service providers, or care organisers, such as: education providers; "meals on wheels" providers; personal care workers (workers who are paid to provide care services); probation officers.
The patient's informal or family carer may be included as a formal member of the team in addition to the minimum of three health or care providers. The patient and the informal or family carer do not count towards the minimum of three.
Discharge case conference
Organisation and coordination of a multidisciplinary discharge case conference (items 735, 739 and 743) may be provided for private in-patients being discharged into the community from hospital.
Further sources of information
Further information is also available for providers from Services Australia provider inquiry line on 132 150.
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change