Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note MN.8.4

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Pregnancy Support Counselling - Allied Health Professional Eligibility (Items 81000, 81005, 81010, 93026 and 93029)

Eligible allied health professionals

Items 81000, 81005, 81010, 93026 and 93029 can only be claimed for services provided by psychologists, social workers and mental health nurses who meet the following specific eligibility requirements, and are registered with Services Australia.

To be eligible to provide services using MBS items 81000, 93026 and 93029, a psychologist must hold general registration in the health profession of psychology under the applicable law in force in the state or territory in which the service is provided and be certified by the Australian Psychological Society as appropriately trained in non-directive pregnancy counselling.

To be eligible to provide services using MBS items 81005, 93026 and 93029, a social worker must be a 'Member' of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), be certified by AASW either as meeting the standards for mental health set out in the document published by AASW titled ‘Practice Standards for Mental Health Social Workers 2014’ as in force on 25 September 2014 and certified by AASW as appropriately trained in non-directive pregnancy counselling.

To be eligible to provide services using MBS items 81010, 93026 and 93029, a mental health nurse must be a 'Credentialled Mental Health Nurse' as certified by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, and be appropriately trained in non-directive pregnancy counselling.

Registering with Services Australia

Advice about registering with Services Australia to provide non-directive pregnancy support counselling services using items 81000 – 81010, 93026 and 93029 is available from Services Australia provider inquiry line on 132 150.

Further information

Additional information can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care and Services Australia website by searching 'allied health'. 

Further information is also available for providers from the Services Australia provider inquiry line on 132 150.

Related Items: 81000 81005 81010 93026 93029

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93029 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Non directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a person, who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months by an eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse as a phone attendance if:

(a)    the person is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b)    the person is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c)     the service is provided to the person individually; and

(d)    the eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(e)     the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005, 81010 in the Allied Health Determination, item 4001 of the general medical services table and item 93026, 92136 and 92138 apply) for each pregnancy.

The service may be used to address any pregnancy related issues for which non directive counselling is appropriate



Fee: $83.30 Benefit: 85% = $70.85

(See para MN.8.1, MN.8.2, MN.8.3, MN.8.4 of explanatory notes to this Category)



81000 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Non‑directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a patient who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months, by an eligible psychologist if:

(a)   the patient is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b)  the patient is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c)   the eligible psychologist does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(d)  the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005 or 81010, items 792 or 4001 in the general medical services table, or items 92136, 92138, 93026, 93029, 92137 or 92139 in the Telehealth and Telephone Determination apply) for each pregnancy

Fee: $83.30 Benefit: 85% = $70.85

(See para MN.8.1, MN.8.2, MN.8.3, MN.8.4 of explanatory notes to this Category)



81005 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Non‑directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a patient, who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months, by an eligible social worker if:

(a)   the patient is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b)  the patient is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c)   the eligible social worker does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(d)  the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005 or 81010, items 792 or 4001 in the general medical services table, or items 92136, 92138, 93026, 93029, 92137 or 92139 in the Telehealth and Telephone Determination apply) for each pregnancy

Fee: $83.30 Benefit: 85% = $70.85

(See para MN.8.1, MN.8.2, MN.8.3, MN.8.4 of explanatory notes to this Category)



81010 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Non‑directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a patient, who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months, by an eligible mental health nurse if:

(a)   the patient is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b)  the patient is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c)   the eligible mental health nurse does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(d)  the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005 or 81010, items 792 or 4001 in the general medical services table, or items 92136, 92138, 93026, 93029, 92137 or 92139 in the Telehealth and Telephone Determination apply) for each pregnancy

Fee: $83.30 Benefit: 85% = $70.85

(See para MN.8.1, MN.8.2, MN.8.3, MN.8.4 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93026 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Non directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a person who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months by an eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse as a telehealth attendance if:

(a) the person is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b) the person is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(d) the eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(e) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005, 81010 in the Allied Health Determination, item 4001 of the general medical services table and item 93029, 92136 and 92138 apply) for each pregnancy.

The service may be used to address any pregnancy related issues for which non directive counselling is appropriate

Fee: $83.30 Benefit: 85% = $70.85

(See para MN.8.1, MN.8.2, MN.8.3, MN.8.4 of explanatory notes to this Category)


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change