Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note TN.1.3

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Consultant Physician Supervision of Home Dialysis - (Item 13104)

Item 13104 covers the planning and management of dialysis and the supervision of a patient on home dialysis by a consultant physician in the practice of his or her specialty of renal medicine.  Planning and management would cover the consultant physician participating in patient management discussions coordinated by renal centres.  Supervision of the patient at home can be undertaken by telephone or other electronic medium, and includes:

-           Regular ordering, performance and interpretation of appropriate biochemical and haematological studies

(generally monthly);

-           Feed-back of results to the home patient and his or her treating general physician;

-           Adjustments to medications and dialysis therapies based upon these results;

-           Co-ordination of regular investigations required to keep patient on active transplantation lists, where relevant;

-           Referral to, and communication with, other specialists involved in the care of the patient; and

-           Being available to advise the patient or the patient's agent.

A record of the services provided should be made in the patient's clinical notes.   

The schedule fee equates to one hour of time spent undertaking these activities.  It is expected that the item will be claimed once per month, to a maximum of 12 claims per year. The patient should be informed that he or she will incur a charge for which a Medicare rebate will be payable. 

This item includes dialysis conducted in a residential aged care facility. In remote areas, where a patient's home is an unsuitable environment for home dialysis due to a lack of space, or the absence of telecommunication, electricity and water utilities, the item includes dialysis in a community facility such as the local primary health care clinic.


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13104 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Planning and management of home dialysis (either haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis), by a consultant physician in the practice of his or her specialty of renal medicine, for a patient with end-stage renal disease, and supervision of that patient on self-administered dialysis, to a maximum of 12 claims per year

Fee: $168.50 Benefit: 85% = $143.25

(See para TN.1.3, TN.1.23 of explanatory notes to this Category)


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change