Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note TN.10.1

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Relative Value Guide For Anaesthetics - (Group T10)

Overview of the RVG 

The RVG groups anaesthesia services within anatomical regions. These items are listed in the MBS under Group T10, Subgroups 1-16 Anaesthesia for radiological and other therapeutic and diagnostic services are grouped separately under Subgroup 17. Also included in the RVG format are certain additional monitoring and therapeutic services, such as blood pressure monitoring (item 22012) and central vein catheterisation (item 22020) when performed in association with the administration of anaesthesia. These services are listed at subgroup 19.  The RVG also provides for assistance at anaesthesia under certain circumstances.  These items are listed at subgroup 26.

Details of the billing requirements for the RVG are available from Services Australia's website.

The RVG is based on an anaesthesia unit system reflecting the complexity of the service and the total time taken for the service. Each unit has been assigned a dollar value.

Under the RVG, the MBS fee for anaesthesia in connection with a procedure is comprised of up to three components:

1.   The basic units allocated to each anaesthetic procedure, reflecting the complexity of the procedure (an item in the range 20100-21997);

2.   The time unit allocation reflecting the total time of the anaesthesia (an item in the range 23010-24136); and

3.   Where appropriate, modifying units recognising certain added complexities in anaesthesia (an item/s in the range 25000-25020). 

Assistance at anaesthesia

To establish the fee for the assistant service items 25200 and 25205, both services have been allocated a number of base units. The total time that the assistant anaesthetist was in active attendance on the patient is then added, along with modifiers as appropriate to determine the MBS fee. 

Whole body perfusion

Where whole body perfusion is performed, the MBS fee is determined by adding together the following:

1.  The base units allocated to the service (item 22060);

2.  The time unit allocation reflecting the total time of the perfusion (an item in the range 23010 - 24136); and

3.  Where appropriate, modifying units recognising certain added complexities in perfusion (an item/s in the range 25000 – 25020).


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change