Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note AN.0.45

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A health assessment for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adult (aged between 15 years and 54 years)

An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adult health assessment must include:

  1. a personal attendance by a general practitioner;
  2. taking the patient's medical history, including the following:
    1. current health problems and risk factors;
    2. relevant family medical history;
    3. medication usage (including medication obtained without prescription or from other doctors);
    4. immunisation status, by reference to the appropriate current age and sex immunisation schedule;
    5. sexual and reproductive health;
    6. physical activity, nutrition and alcohol, tobacco or other substance use;
    7. hearing loss;
    8. mood(including incidence of depression and risk of self-harm); and
    9. family relationships and whether the patient is a carer, or is cared for by another person;
    10. vision
  3. examination of the patient, including the following:
    1. measurement of the patient's blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm;
    2. measurement of height and weight to calculate body mass index and, if indicated, measurement of waist circumference for central obesity;
    3. oral examination (including gums and dentition);
    4. ear and hearing examination (including otoscopy and, if indicated, a whisper test); and
    5. urinalysis (by dipstick) for proteinurea;
    6. eye examination; and
  4. undertaking or arranging any required investigation, considering the need for the following tests, in particular, (in accordance with national or regional guidelines or specific regional needs):
    1. fasting blood sugar and lipids (by laboratory based test on venous sample) or, if necessary, random blood glucose levels;
    2. cervical screening;
    3. examination for sexually transmitted infection (by urine or endocervical swab for chlamydia and gonorrhoea, especially for those aged from 15 to 35years); and
    4. mammography, if eligible (by scheduling appointments with visiting services or facilitating direct referral).
  5. assessing the patient using the information gained in the adult health assessment; and
  6. making or arranging any necessary interventions and referrals, and documenting a simple strategy for the good health of the patient.

An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Older Person's health assessment must also include:

  1. keeping a record of the health assessment; and
  2. offering the patient a written report on the health assessment, with recommendations on matters covered by the health assessment;

Related Items: 715

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715 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Professional attendance by a general practitioner at consulting rooms or in another place other than a hospital or residential aged care facility, for a health assessment of a patient who is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent-not more than once in a 9 month period

Fee: $241.85 Benefit: 100% = $241.85

(See para AN.0.43, AN.0.44, AN.0.45, AN.0.46 of explanatory notes to this Category)


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change