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Echocardiography - Frequent repetition (Item 55133)
Providers of this item number should meet the Level 1 requirements described in the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand Guidelines for Training and Performance in Adult Echocardiography or equivalent.
Discussions of the results, findings or interpretation of a study are reasonably expected to be part of a formal report. Discussion of these findings with a patient does not constitute a consult. Similarly, discussion(s) during the course of a study or to determine the safety or appropriateness of the study is part of the service and should not be claimed as a consult.
Related Items: 55133
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55133 - Additional Information
Note: the service only applies if the patient meets one or more of the following and the requirements of Note: IR.1.2
Frequent repetition serial real time transthoracic echocardiographic examination of the heart with real time colour flow mapping from at least 3 acoustic windows, with recordings on digital media, if the service:
(a) is for the investigation of a patient who:
(i) has an isolated pericardial effusion or pericarditis; or
(ii) has a normal baseline study, and has commenced medication for non‑cardiac purposes that has cardiotoxic side effects and is a pharmaceutical benefit (within the meaning of Part VII of the National Health Act 1953) for the writing of a prescription for the supply of which under that Part an echocardiogram is required; and
(b) is not associated with a service to which:
(i) another item in this Subgroup applies (except items 55137, 55141, 55143, 55145 and 55146); or
(ii) an item in Subgroup 2 applies (except items 55118 and 55130); or
(iii) an item in Subgroup 3 applies (R)
Fee: $232.80 Benefit: 75% = $174.60 85% = $197.90
(See para IN.0.19, IN.1.7, IN.7.1, IR.1.2, IR.1.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change