Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note MN.10.3

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Eligibility for Allied Health Assessment and Treatment Services for Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder (such as Autism Spectrum Disorder) and Eligible Disability Services

Eligible patients

These items provide Medicare rebates for allied health services provided to patients under 25 years old with a suspected or diagnosed complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder (such as Autism Spectrum Disorder) or one or more of the eligible disabilities.

Eligible Disabilities

'Eligible disabilities' for the purpose of these services means any of the following conditions:

(a) Sight impairment that results in vision of less than or equal to 6/18 vision or equivalent field loss in the better eye, with correction.

(b) Hearing impairment that results in:

  • a hearing loss of 40 decibels or greater in the better ear, across 4 frequencies; or
  • permanent conductive hearing loss and auditory neuropathy

(c) Deafblindness

(d) Cerebral palsy

(e) Down syndrome

(f) Fragile X syndrome

(g) Prader-Willi syndrome

(h) Williams syndrome

(i) Angelman syndrome

(j) Kabuki syndrome

(k) Smith-Magenis syndrome

(l) CHARGE syndrome

(m) Cri du Chat syndrome

(n) Cornelia de Lange syndrome

(o) Microcephaly if a child has:

  • a head circumference less than the third percentile for age and sex; and
  • a functional level at or below 2 standard deviations below the mean for age on a standard developmental test, or an IQ score of less than 70 on a standardised test of intelligence*

(p) Rett's disorder

(q) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

(r) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 

(s) 22q deletion Syndrome

*"standard developmental test" refers to tests such as the Bayley Scales of Infant Development or the Griffiths Mental Development Scales; "standardised test of intelligence" means the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) or the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI). It is up to the clinical judgement of the practitioner to determine which tests are appropriate to be used.

Eligible allied health practitioners

The allied health assessment and treatment services can be provided by eligible audiologists, occupational therapists, optometrists, orthoptists, physiotherapists, psychologists and speech pathologists.

To provide services under these items eligible allied health practitioners must meet the eligibility requirements as set out in the Health Insurance (Allied Health Services) Determination 2014.

It is expected that eligible providers will 'self-select' for the complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder and eligible disability items (i.e. possess the skills and experience appropriate for provision of these services and be oriented to work with patients with complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders or eligible disabilities).

Related Items: 82000 82005 82010 82015 82020 82025 82030 82035 93032 93033 93035 93036 93040 93041 93043 93044

Related Items



82000 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Psychology health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible psychologist if:

(a)    the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i)   assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii)  contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82005, 82010, 82030, 93032, 93033, 93040 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $113.65 Benefit: 85% = $96.65

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82005 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Speech pathology health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible speech pathologist if:

(a)    the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i)   assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii)  contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82010, 82030, 93032, 93033, 93040 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82010 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Occupational therapy health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible occupational therapist if:

(a)    the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i)   assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii)  contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82005, 82030, 93032, 93033, 93040 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82015 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Psychology health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible psychologist, if:

(a)    the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d)    on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82020, 82025, 82035, 93035, 93036, 93043 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $113.65 Benefit: 85% = $96.65

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82020 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Speech pathology health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible speech pathologist, if:

(a)    the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d)    on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible speech pathologist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82025, 82035, 93035, 93036, 93043 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82025 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Occupational therapy health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible occupational therapist, if:

(a)    the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d)    on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible occupational therapist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82020, 82035, 93035, 93036, 93043 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82030 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

(a)    the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i)   assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii)  contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82005, 82010, 93032, 93033, 93040 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



82035 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist, if:

(a)    the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b)    the service is provided to the patient individually and in person; and

(c)    the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d)    on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82020, 82025, 93035, 93036, 93043 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93040 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Psychology health service provided by phone attendance to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible psychologist if:

(a) the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i) assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii) contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82005, 82010, 82030, 93032, 93033 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $113.65 Benefit: 85% = $96.65

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93041 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by phone attendance to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

(a) the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i) assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii) contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82005, 82010, 82030, 93032, 93033 or 93040 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93043 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Psychology health service provided by phone attendance to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible psychologist, if:

(a) the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82020, 82025, 82035, 93035, 93036 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $113.65 Benefit: 85% = $96.65

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93044 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by phone attendance to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist, if:

(a) the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82020, 82025, 82035, 93035, 93036 or 93043 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93032 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Psychology health service provided by telehealth attendance to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible psychologist if:

(a) the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i) assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii) contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82005, 82010, 82030, 93033, 93040 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $113.65 Benefit: 85% = $96.65

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93033 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by telehealth attendance to a patient aged under 25 years by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

(a) the patient was referred by an eligible medical practitioner, or by an eligible allied health practitioner following referral by an eligible medical practitioner, to:

(i) assist the eligible medical practitioner with diagnostic formulation where the patient has a suspected complex neurodevelopmental disorder or eligible disability; or

(ii) contribute to the patient’s treatment and management plan developed by the referring eligible medical practitioner where a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability is confirmed; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes duration

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82000, 82005, 82010, 82030, 93032, 93040 or 93041 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93035 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Psychology health service provided by telehealth attendance to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible psychologist, if:

(a) the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82020, 82025, 82035, 93036, 93043 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $113.65 Benefit: 85% = $96.65

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)



93036 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by telehealth attendance to a patient aged under 25 years for the treatment of a diagnosed complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder) or eligible disability by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist, if:

(a) the patient has a treatment and management plan in place and has been referred by an eligible medical practitioner for a course of treatment consistent with that treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 30 minutes duration; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist gives a written report to the referring eligible medical practitioner on assessments (if performed), treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the patient’s condition

Up to 4 services to which this item or any of items 82015, 82020, 82025, 82035, 93035, 93043 or 93044 apply may be provided to the same patient on the same day

Further information on the requirements for this item are available in the explanatory notes to this Category

Fee: $100.20 Benefit: 85% = $85.20

(See para AN.0.25, MN.10.1, MN.10.2, MN.10.3 of explanatory notes to this Category)


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change