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Procedure for synovectomy (Items 46335, 46339, 46340 and 46341)
- Procedures 46335, 49339, 46340 and 46341, if performed, include tenoplasty, tenolysis, tendon nodules removal, and neurolysis.
- Item 46339, for flexor tendon synovectomy, includes carpal tunnel release, if performed.
- Items 46340 and 46341 may be for either flexor or extensor tendon synovectomy.
- Where the procedure is for flexor tendon synovectomy, these items include carpal tunnel release, if performed.
- Where the procedure is for extensor tendon synovectomy only, carpal tunnel release is not included and may be separately clamed under item 39331 if performed.
- Item 46335, for extensor tendon synovectomy, does not include carpal tunnel release, if performed.
- The item claimed should be chosen based on the tendons being treated rather than the site of the incision.
Related Items
46335 - Additional Information
Synovectomy of digital extensor tendons of hand, distal to wrist, for diagnosed inflammatory arthritis, including any of the following (if performed):
(a) reconstruction of extensor retinaculum;
(b) removal of tendon nodules;
(c) tenolysis;
(d) tenoplasty;
other than a service associated with:
(e) a service to which item 39330 applies; or
(f) a service to which item 30023 applies that is performed at the same site
Applicable once per hand per occasion on which the service is performed
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $531.10 Benefit: 75% = $398.35 85% = $451.45
(See para TN.8.184, TN.8.185, TN.8.190, TN.8.283 of explanatory notes to this Category)
46339 - Additional Information
Synovectomy of digital flexor tendons at wrist level, for diagnosed inflammatory arthritis, including either or both of the following (if performed):
(a) tenolysis;
(b) release of median nerve and carpal tunnel;
other than a service associated with:
(c) a service to which item 39330 or 39331 applies; or
(d) a service to which item 30023 applies that is performed at the same site
Applicable once per wrist per occasion on which the service is performed (H)
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $531.10 Benefit: 75% = $398.35
(See para TN.8.185, TN.8.190, TN.8.283 of explanatory notes to this Category)
46340 - Additional Information
Synovectomy of wrist flexor or extensor tendons of hand or wrist, for diagnosed inflammatory tenosynovitis, including any of the following (if performed):
(a) reconstruction of flexor or extensor retinaculum;
(b) removal of tendon nodules;
(c) tenolysis;
(d) tenoplasty;
other than a service associated with:
(e) a service to which item 39330 applies; or
(f) if this service is performed on the wrist flexor tendons—a service to which item 39331 applies; or
(g) a service to which item 30023 applies that is performed at the same site
—one or more compartments per limb (H)
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $451.45 Benefit: 75% = $338.60
(See para TN.8.184, TN.8.185, TN.8.190, TN.8.283 of explanatory notes to this Category)
46341 - Additional Information
Synovectomy of wrist flexor or extensor tendons of hand or wrist, for non-inflammatory tenosynovitis or post traumatic synovitis, including any of the following (if performed):
(a) reconstruction of flexor or extensor retinaculum;
(b) removal of tendon nodules;
(c) tenolysis;
(d) tenoplasty;
other than a service associated with:
(e) a service to which item 39330 applies; or
(f) if this service is performed on the wrist flexor tendons—a service to which item 39331 applies; or
(g) a service to which item 30023 applies that is performed at the same site
—one or more compartments per limb (H)
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $289.55 Benefit: 75% = $217.20
(See para TN.8.185, TN.8.190, TN.8.283 of explanatory notes to this Category)
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change