Medicare Benefits Schedule - Note TR.8.6

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Heart Team Conferences - Items 38248, 38249, 38311, 38313, 38320, 38322 and 57364

Definition of a heart team conference: relevant to items 38248, 38249, 38311, 38313, 38320, 38322 and 57364

 (a)   A heart team conference is a team of 3 or more participants who are cardiac specialists; where:

  1. the first participant is a specialist or consultant physician who is an interventional cardiologist; and
  2. the second participant is a specialist or consultant who is a non-interventional cardiologist; and
  3. the third participant is a specialist or consultant physician; and

(b)    the team assesses a patient’s risk and technical suitability to receive the service; and

(c)    the result of the heart team conference’s assessment is that the team makes a recommendation about whether or not the patient is suitable for selective coronary angiography (for items 38248, 38249, 38320) or percutaneous coronary intervention (for items 38311, 38313, 38320, 38322) ; and

(d)    the particulars of the assessment and recommendation/s, and the names of those providers making the recommendation/s are recorded in writing.

Note: For non-complex stable triple vessel disease, providers are encouraged to include a cardiothoracic surgeon in the heart team.

Related Items: 38248 38249 38311 38313 38320 38322 57364

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38248 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: (stable coronary syndrome) the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the of Note: TR.8.3 and TR.8.5

Selective coronary angiography:

(a) for a patient who is eligible for the service under clause 5.10.17B; and

(b) as part of the management of the patient; and

(c) with placement of catheters and injection of opaque material into native coronary arteries; and

(d) with or without left heart catheterisation, left ventriculography or aortography; and

(e) including all associated imaging;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 38200, 38203, 38206, 38244, 38247, 38249, 38251 or 38252 applies—applicable each 3 months


Fee: $1,007.25 Benefit: 75% = $755.45 85% = $908.55

(See para TN.8.215, TR.8.3, TR.8.5, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)



38249 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: (stable coronary syndrome - graft) the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the requirements of Note: TR.8.3 and TR.8.5

Selective coronary and graft angiography:

(a) for a patient who is eligible for the service under clause 5.10.17B; and

(b) as part of the management of the patient; and

(c) with placement of one or more catheters and injection of opaque material into native coronary arteries; and

(d) if free coronary grafts attached to the aorta or direct internal mammary artery grafts are present—with placement of one or more catheters and injection of opaque material into those grafts (irrespective of the number of grafts); and

(e) with or without left heart catheterisation, left ventriculography or aortography; and

(f) including all associated imaging;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 38200, 38203, 38206, 38244, 38247, 38248, 38251 or 38252 applies—applicable once each 3 months


Fee: $1,613.75 Benefit: 75% = $1,210.35 85% = $1,515.05

(See para IN.2.1, TN.8.215, TN.8.216, TR.8.3, TR.8.5, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)



57364 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the requirements of Note: TR.8.3 (item 38247), TR.8.2 (item 38249) or item 38252 if subclause (iv) applies.

Computed tomography of the coronary arteries performed on a minimum of a 64 slice (or equivalent) scanner, if:

(a) the service is requested by a specialist or consultant physician; and

(b) at least one of the following apply to the patient:

(i) the patient has stable symptoms and newly recognised left ventricular systolic dysfunction of unknown aetiology;

(ii) the patient requires exclusion of coronary artery anomaly or fistula;

(iii) the patient will be undergoing non-coronary cardiac surgery;

(iv) the patient meets the criteria to be eligible for a service to which item 38247, 38249 or 38252 applies, but as an alternative to selective coronary angiography will require an assessment of the patency of one or more bypass grafts



Fee: $784.85 Benefit: 75% = $588.65 85% = $686.15

(See para IN.0.19, IN.2.1, TR.8.2, TR.8.3, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)



38311 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: (stable multi-vessel disease - 1 coronary territory with selective angiography) the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the requirements of Note: TR.8.4 and TR.8.5

Percutaneous coronary intervention:

(a) for a patient:

(i) eligible under clause 5.10.17C for the service and a service to which item 38314 applies; and

(ii) for whom selective coronary angiography has not been completed in the previous 3 months; and

(b) including selective coronary angiography and all associated imaging, catheter and contrast; and

(c) including either or both:

(i) percutaneous angioplasty; and

(ii) transluminal insertion of one or more stents; and

(d) performed on one coronary vascular territory; and

(e) excluding aftercare;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 38200, 38203, 38206, 38244, 38247, 38248, 38249, 38251, 38252, 38307, 38308, 38310, 38313, 38314, 38316, 38317, 38319, 38320, 38322 or 38323 applies 

(Anaes.) (Assist.)

Fee: $2,019.55 Benefit: 75% = $1,514.70 85% = $1,920.85

(See para TN.8.218, TN.8.226, TR.8.4, TR.8.5, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)



38313 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: (stable multi-vessel disease - 2 coronary territories with selective angiography) the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the requirements of Note: TR.8.4 and TR.8.5

Percutaneous coronary intervention:

(a) for a patient:

(i) eligible under clause 5.10.17C for the service and a service to which item 38314 applies; and

(ii) for whom selective coronary angiography has not been completed in the previous 3 months; and

(b) including selective coronary angiography and all associated imaging, catheter and contrast; and

(c) including either or both:

(i) percutaneous angioplasty; and

(ii) transluminal insertion of one or more stents; and

(d) performed on 2 coronary vascular territories; and

(e) excluding aftercare;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 38200, 38203, 38206, 38244, 38247, 38248, 38249, 38251, 38252, 38307, 38308, 38310, 38311, 38314, 38316, 38317, 38319, 38320, 38322 or 38323 applies 

(Anaes.) (Assist.)

Fee: $2,323.50 Benefit: 75% = $1,742.65 85% = $2,224.80

(See para TN.8.218, TN.8.226, TR.8.4, TR.8.5, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)



38320 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: (stable multi-vessel disease - 1 coronary territory without selective angiography) the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the requirements of Note: TR.8.4 and TR.8.5

Percutaneous coronary intervention:

(a) for a patient:

(i) eligible under clause 5.10.17C for the service and a service to which item 38323 applies; and

(ii) for whom selective coronary angiography has been completed in the previous 3 months; and

(b) including any associated coronary angiography; and

(c) including either or both:

(i) percutaneous angioplasty; and

(ii) transluminal insertion of one or more stents; and

(d) performed on one coronary vascular territory; and

(e) excluding aftercare;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 38200, 38203, 38206, 38244, 38247, 38248, 38249, 38251, 38252, 38307, 38308, 38310, 38311, 38313, 38314, 38316, 38317, 38319, 38322 or 38323 applies 

(Anaes.) (Assist.)

Fee: $1,805.40 Benefit: 75% = $1,354.05 85% = $1,706.70

(See para TN.8.218, TN.8.226, TR.8.4, TR.8.5, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)



38322 - Additional Information

Item Start Date:
Description Updated:
Schedule Fee Updated:

Note: (stable multi-vessel disease - 2 coronary territories without selective angiography) the service only applies if the patient meets the requirements of the descriptor and the requirements of Note: TR.8.4 and TR.8.5

Percutaneous coronary intervention:

(a) for a patient:

(i) eligible under clause 5.10.17C for the service and a service to which item 38323 applies; and

(ii) for whom selective coronary angiography has been completed in the previous 3 months; and

(b) including any associated coronary angiography; and

(c) including either or both:

(i) percutaneous angioplasty; and

(ii) transluminal insertion of one or more stents; and

(d) performed on 2 coronary vascular territories; and

(e) excluding aftercare;

other than a service associated with a service to which item 38200, 38203, 38206, 38244, 38247, 38248, 38249, 38251, 38252, 38307, 38308, 38310, 38311, 38313, 38314, 38316, 38317, 38319, 38320 or 38323 applies 

(Anaes.) (Assist.)

Fee: $2,286.95 Benefit: 75% = $1,715.25 85% = $2,188.25

(See para TN.8.218, TN.8.226, TR.8.4, TR.8.5, TR.8.6 of explanatory notes to this Category)


  • Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
  • Amend - Amended Description
  • Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
  • Emsn - EMSN Change
  • Fee - Fee Amended
  • Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
  • New - New Item
  • NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
  • Qfe - QFE Change