Results 1 to 3 of 3 matches
31386 - Additional Information
Malignant skin lesion (other than a malignant skin lesion covered by item 31371, 31372, 31373, 31374, 31375, 31376, 31377, 31378, 31379, 31380, 31381, 31382 or 31383), surgical excision (other than by shave excision) and repair of, if:
(a) the lesion is excised from the head or neck; and
(b) the necessary excision diameter is more than 50 mm; and
(c) the excision involves at least 2 critical areas (eyelid, nose, ear, mouth); and
(d) the excised specimen is sent for histological examination; and
(e) malignancy is confirmed from the excised specimen or previous biopsy; and
(f) the service is not covered by item 31387
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $814.00 Benefit: 75% = $610.50
(See para TN.8.22, TN.8.125 of explanatory notes to this Category)
31387 - Additional Information
Malignant skin lesion (other than a malignant skin lesion covered by item 31371, 31372, 31373, 31374, 31375, 31376, 31377, 31378, 31379, 31380, 31381, 31382 or 31383), surgical excision (other than by shave excision) and repair of, if:
(a) the lesion is excised from the head or neck; and
(b) the necessary excision diameter is more than 70 mm; and
(c) the excised specimen is sent for histological examination; and
(d) malignancy is confirmed from the excised specimen or previous biopsy; and
(e) the service is not covered by item 31386
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $732.45 Benefit: 75% = $549.35
(See para TN.8.22, TN.8.125 of explanatory notes to this Category)
31388 - Additional Information
Malignant skin lesion (other than a malignant skin lesion covered by item 31371, 31372, 31373, 31374, 31375, 31376, 31377, 31378, 31379, 31380, 31381, 31382 or 31383), surgical excision (other than by shave excision) and repair of, if:
(a) the lesion is excised from the trunk or limbs; and
(b) the necessary excision diameter is more than 120 mm; and
(c) the excised specimen is sent for histological examination; and
(d) malignancy is confirmed from the excised specimen or previous biopsy
(Anaes.) (Assist.)
Fee: $659.20 Benefit: 75% = $494.40
(See para TN.8.22, TN.8.125 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Results 1 to 3 of 3 matches
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change