View Associated Notes
91825 - Additional Information
Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:
(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and
(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration.
Where the attendance is not a minor attendance after the first as part of a single course of treatment.
Fee: $87.30 Benefit: 85% = $74.25
(See para AN.0.7, AN.0.70, AN.3.1, AN.40.1 of explanatory notes to this Category)
Associated Notes
Multiple Attendances on the Same Day
Payment of benefit may be made for each of several attendances on a patient on the same day by the same medical practitioner provided the subsequent attendances are not a continuation of the initial or earlier attendances. However, there should be a reasonable lapse of time between such attendances before they can be regarded as separate attendances.
Where two or more attendances are made on the one day by the same medical practitioner the time of each attendance should be stated on the account (eg 10.30 am and 3.15 pm) in order to assist in the assessment of benefits.
In some circumstances a subsequent attendance on the same day constitutes a continuation of an earlier attendance. For example, a preliminary eye examination may be concluded with the instillation of a mydriatic and then some time later an eye refraction is undertaken. These sessions are regarded as being one attendance for benefit purposes. Further examples of single attendances are skin sensitivity testing, and when a patient is issued a prescription for a vaccine and subsequently returns to the surgery for the injection.
Related Items: 104 105 110 116 119 132 133 91822 91823 91824 91825 91826 91833 91836 92422 92423
Limitation of items—certain attendances by specialists and consultant physicians
Medicare benefits are not payable for items 105, 116, 119, 386, 2806, 2814, 3010, 3014, 6009, 6011, 6013, 6015, 6019, 6052, 16404, 91823, 91825, 91826, 91833, 91836, 92611, 92612, 92613 and 92618 when claimed in association with an item in group T8 with a schedule fee of $341.75 or more.
The restriction applies when the procedure is performed by the same practitioner, on the same patient, on the same day.
Related Items: 105 116 119 386 2806 2814 3010 3014 6009 6011 6013 6015 6019 6052 16404 91823 91825 91826 91833 91836 92611 92612 92613 92618
Subsequent attendance items
The current regulations prohibit the payment of Medicare benefits for subsequent attendance items 105, 116, 119, 386, 2806, 2814, 3010, 3014, 6009 to 6015, 6019, 6052, 16404, 91823, 91825, 91826, 91833, 91836, 92611, 92612, 92613 and 92618 if a claim is made for any Group T8 item (30001-50952) with a schedule fee of equal to or greater than $341.75 on the same day. Non-compliance with the regulations can result in a referral to an appropriate regulatory body – such as the Professional Services Review. Subsequent attendance items (111, 117, and 120) can only be claimed on the same day as Group T8 items with schedule fees of equal to or greater than $341.75, if the procedure is urgent and not able to be predicted prior to the commencement of the attendance. It is therefore expected that these items would be claimed only in exceptional circumstances.
Subsequent attendance item 115 can only be claimed, if the nature of the attendance was not able to be predicted prior to the procedure.
Item 115 should not be claimed if the consultation relates to the booked Group T8 procedure. Any consultation component related to the booked Group T8 procedure is considered to be covered under the fee for that procedure, if the Schedule fee is $341.75 or more.
Should a component of the consultation be unrelated to the booked T8 procedure and it is considered by the medical practitioner that it would be a clinical risk to defer this consultation then item 115 could be claimable.
It would not be appropriate to claim item 115 if a patient attends for the booked operation, and prior to surgery an examination is conducted relevant to performing that procedure; together with a discussion of the outcomes and aftercare. If the consultation extends beyond this; including the development of a management plan involving a broader diagnosis, prognosis, associated treatments and follow-up; then it could be appropriate to claim item 115.
In claiming item 115, the specialist or consultant physician must be satisfied that it would be a clinical risk to defer the consultation for the patient at this time.
Where item 115 is claimed, the records for the consultation should clearly identify why the consultation is considered necessary for the patient including the clinical risk to defer the consultation.
Related Items: 105 115 116 119 386 2806 2814 3010 3014 6009 6011 6013 6015 6019 6052 16404 91823 91825 91826 91833 91836 92610 92611 92612 92613
Specialist and Consultant Physician MBS Telehealth and Telephone attendance items
From 1 January 2022, a number of telehealth items were permanently added to the MBS.
The intent of these ongoing telehealth items is to allow practitioners to provide MBS attendances remotely (by videoconference or telephone) where it is safe and clinically appropriate to do so in accordance with relevant professional standards.
Providing telehealth services by videoconference is the preferred substitution for a face-to-face consultation. However, providers can provide a consultation via telephone where it is clinically relevant (and the service is covered by a relevant telephone item).
A list of the ongoing telehealth items and the equivalent face‑to‑face items can be found at Table 1.
Table 1 – Ongoing telehealth items and equivalent face to face services (out of hospital patients)
Service | Face-to-face items |
Video items | Telephone items |
Specialist Services | |||
Specialist. Initial attendance | 104 | 91822 | - |
Specialist. Subsequent attendance | 105 | 91823 | 91833 |
Consultant Physician Services | - | ||
Consultant physician. Initial attendance | 110 | 91824 | - |
Consultant physician. Subsequent attendance | 116 | 91825 | - |
Consultant physician. Minor attendance | 119 | 91826 | 91836 |
Consultant physician. Initial assessment, patient with at least 2 morbidities, prepare a treatment and management plan, at least 45 minutes | 132 | 92422 | - |
Consultant physician, Subsequent assessment, patient with at least 2 morbidities, review a treatment and management plan, at least 20 minutes | 133 | 92423 | - |
Specialist and Consultant Physician Services | |||
Specialist or consultant physician, develop a treatment and management plan, patient aged under 25, with an eligible disability | 137 | 92141 | - |
Geriatrician Services | |||
Geriatrician, prepare an assessment and management plan, patient at least 65 years, more than 60 minutes | 141 | 92623 | - |
Geriatrician, review a management plan, more than 30 minutes | 143 | 92624 |
- |
Consultant Psychiatrist services | |||
Consultant psychiatrist, develop a treatment and management plan, patient aged under 25, with a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder), at least 45 minutes | 289 | 92434 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, prepare a management plan, more than 45 minutes | 291 | 92435 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, review management plan, 30 to 45 minutes | 293 | 92436 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, attendance, new patient (or has not received attendance in preceding 24 mths), more than 45 minutes | 296 | 92437 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist. Consultation, not more than 15 minutes | 300 | 91827 | 91837 |
Consultant psychiatrist. Consultation, 15 to 30 minutes | 302 | 91828 | 91838 |
Consultant psychiatrist. Consultation, 30 to 45 minutes | 304 | 91829 | 91839 |
Consultant psychiatrist. Consultation, 45 to 75 minutes | 306 | 91830 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist. Consultation, more than 75 minutes | 308 | 91831 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, group psychotherapy, at least 1 hour, involving group of 2 to 9 unrelated patients or a family group of more than 3 patients, each referred to consultant psychiatrist |
342 | 92455 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, group psychotherapy, at least 1 hour, involving family group of 3 patients, each referred to consultant psychiatrist |
344 | 92456 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, group psychotherapy, at least 1 hour, involving family group of 2 patients, each referred to consultant psychiatrist |
346 | 92457 | |
Consultant psychiatrist, interview of a person other than patient, in the course of initial diagnostic evaluation of patient, 20 to 45 minutes | 348 | 92458 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, interview of a person other than patient, in the course of initial diagnostic evaluation of patient, 45 minutes or more | 350 | 92459 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, interview of a person other than patient, in the course of continuing management of patient, not less than 20 minutes, not exceeding 4 attendances per calendar year | 352 | 92460 | - |
Consultant psychiatrist, prepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan, more than 45 minutes | 90260 | 92162 | |
Consultant psychiatrist, to review an eating disorder plan, more than 30 minutes | 90266 | 92172 | |
Paediatrician Services (also refer to consultant physician services) | |||
Paediatrician, develop a treatment and management plan, patient aged under 25, with a complex neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism spectrum disorder), at least 45 minutes | 135 | 92140 | |
Paediatrician, prepare an eating disorder treatment and management plan, more than 45 minutes | 90261 | 92163 | |
Paediatrician, to review an eating disorder plan, more than 20 minutes | 90267 | 92173 | |
Public Health Physician Services | |||
Public health physician, level A attendance | 410 | 92513 | 92521 |
Public health physician, level B attendance, less than 20 minutes | 411 | 92514 | 92522 |
Public health physician, level C attendance, at least 20 minutes | 412 | 92515 | - |
Public health physician, level D attendance, at least 40 minutes | 413 | 92516 | - |
Neurosurgery attendances | |||
Neurosurgeon, initial attendance | 6007 | 92610 | - |
Neurosurgeon, minor attendance | 6009 | 92611 | 92618 |
Neurosurgeon, subsequent attendance, 15 to 30 minutes | 6011 | 92612 | - |
Neurosurgeon, subsequent attendance, 30 to 45 minutes | 6013 | 92613 | - |
Neurosurgeon, subsequent attendance, more than 45 minutes | 6015 | 92614 | - |
Anaesthetist attendance | |||
Anaesthetist, professional attendance, advanced or complex | 17615 | 92701 | - |
Further information on the telehealth changes can be found at by searching under the Facts Sheets tab – July 2022.
Eligible providers
All MBS items for referred attendances require a valid referral. However, if the specialist, consultant physician, consultant psychiatrist, paediatrician or geriatrician has previously seen the patient under a referral that is still valid, there is no need to obtain a specific referral for the purposes of claiming the video and telephone items.
All MBS telehealth and telephone attendance items are stand-alone items and are to be billed instead of a face‑to-face MBS item.
Billing Requirements
Bulk billing of specialist (and Allied Health) telehealth services is at the discretion of the provider, so long as informed financial consent is obtained prior to the provision of the service.
Further information on the assignment of benefit for bulk billed MBS telehealth services can be found in the ‘Provider Frequently Asked Questions’ at
Relevant definitions and requirements
Specialist telehealth services (91822, 91823 and 91833) can be billed by all specialities that can currently bill items 104 and 105 or equivalent MBS items. This also includes sports and exercise medicine and occupational and environmental health medicine specialists.
Consultant physician telehealth services (91824, 91825, 91826 and 91836) can be billed by all specialities that can currently bill items 110, 116 and 119 or equivalent MBS items. This also includes pain and palliative medicine, sexual health medicine and addiction medicine.
Consultant physician telehealth services to prepare and review a management plan (92422 and 92423) can be billed by all physicians that can currently bill items 132 and 133 or equivalent MBS items. This also includes sexual health medicine, addiction medicine and paediatricians.
The specialist and consultant physician service for diagnosis and treatment for patients with an eligible disability (92141) can be billed by specialists and consultant physicians that are able to item 137.
Single course of treatment
The same conditions for a single course of treatment apply across all modalities (i.e. face‑to-face, video or telephone). Once an initial consultation is billed, all subsequent services related to the same condition are considered to be part of a single course of treatment. For example, if a patient has seen a specialist in a face‑to‑face consultation (where item 104 has been billed), item 91823 (video) or 91833 (telephone) should be billed if the patient sees the specialist remotely for the same condition.
Anaesthetist services
The Anaesthetist telehealth service (92701) can be billed by practitioners that can currently bill item 17615.
Service limits
At present, the service limits that apply to standard psychiatry services do not currently apply to the video and telephone attendance items for psychiatry (except for item 92460). Patients who have received more than 50 attendances under existing items are eligible to receive services under the video and telephone psychiatry items as long as they meet the item descriptor requirements.
In addition, patients who have received more than 50 attendances under item 319 are eligible to receive services under the video and telephone psychiatry items as long as they meet the item descriptor requirements.
The Department of Health and Aged Care will work with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) and the Medicare Review Advisory Committee (MRAC) to review the current service limits, and ensure a consistent approach across all of the psychiatry attendance items, including services provided by face‑to‑face, video and telephone.
Interview item (92460)
Item 92460 provides for an interview with a person other than the patient. A maximum of 4 services in a calendar year can be billed under item 92460, or the equivalent face‑to‑face item (item 352), in the continuing management of a patient. That is, a consultant psychiatrist can bill for a service under item 92460 once more in the calendar year if a patient has received three MBS services under items 352 or 92460 in the same calendar year.
Management Plan items (92435 and 92436)
The MBS remote attendance preparation and review of GP management plan items have the same diagnosis, assessment and record-keeping requirements as the existing face-to-face items (291 and 293). Refer to MBS Explanatory Note AN.0.30 for further information.
Group psychotherapy items (92455, 92456 and 92457)
The MBS remote attendance group psychotherapy items have the same requirements as the existing face-to-face items (342, 344 and 346). It is the responsibility of the practitioner rendering the service to maintain privacy and confidentiality for all participants throughout the service. Practitioners should refer to the relevant professional practice standards and guidelines for technology-based consultations.
Technical Requirements
The services can be provided by telehealth and by phone. It is the responsibility of the practitioner rendering the service to maintain privacy and confidentiality for all participants throughout the service.
Telehealth attendance means a professional attendance by video conference where the medical practitioner:
- has the capacity to provide the full service through this means safely and in accordance with relevant professional standards; and
- is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service to the patient; and
- maintains a visual and audio link with the patient; and
- is satisfied that the software and hardware used to deliver the service meets the applicable laws for security and privacy.
Note – only the time where a visual and audio link is maintained between the patient and the provider can be counted in meeting the relevant item descriptor.
No specific equipment is required to provide Medicare-compliant telehealth services. Practitioners must ensure that their chosen telecommunications solution meets their clinical requirements and satisfies privacy laws. Information on how to select a web conferencing solution is available at:
Phone attendance means a professional attendance by telephone where the health practitioner:
- has the capacity to provide the full service through this means safely and in accordance with professional standards; and
- is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service to the patient; and
- maintains an audio link with the patient.
There are no longer geographic restrictions on the MBS video or telephone services provided by specialists, consultant physicians, consultant psychiatrists, paediatricians, geriatricians and anaesthetists.
Recording Clinical Notes (for specialist, consultant physician, consultant psychiatrist, neurosurgery, public health medicine, geriatrician, paediatrician and anaesthetist)
In relation to the time taken in recording appropriate details of the service, only clinical details recorded at the time of the attendance count towards the time of consultation. It does not include information added later, such as reports of investigations, or when either the visual or audio link between the patient and the practitioner is lost.
Clinicians should record the date, time and duration of the consultation, and retain these records.
Related Items: 104 105 110 116 119 132 133 135 137 141 143 289 291 293 296 300 302 304 306 308 342 344 346 410 411 412 413 6007 6009 6011 6013 6015 90260 90261 90266 90267 91822 91823 91824 91825 91826 91833 91836 92422 92423
- Assist - Addition/Deletion of (Assist.)
- Amend - Amended Description
- Anaes - Anaesthetic Values Amended
- Emsn - EMSN Change
- Fee - Fee Amended
- Renum - Item Number Change (renumbered)
- New - New Item
- NewMin - New Item (previous Ministerial Determination)
- Qfe - QFE Change